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Knowledge of Flotation Cell and Magnetic Separator

[Oct 14, 2014]

Both the flotation separation and magnetic separation processes are the most popular and effective separating methods in the ore dressing production line. Here let’s make a detailed comparison about the flotation machine and the magnetic separator for customers.

The flotation cells can realize the mineral particle separation based on the working principle of different physical and chemical properties of the minerals leading to different floatability. Our flotation cells with the advanced separating technology have quite a good performance in many fields.

Our flotation cell can separate non-ferrous metals and realize the rough or fine separation of ferrous metals and non-metals. Both the production index and working efficiency of the flotation cells are high. The separated sulfide ore can reach the recycling rate of over 90% and the concentrate grade comes close to the theoretical value of the pure ore. The flotation cell is suitable for the fine ore and micro ore treatments.

China magnetic separator is divided into wet magnetic separator and dry magnetic separator. Our company’s magnet separator usually completes three grade separations of the mineral powder and finally realizes the wet material magnetic separation.

The magnetic separation technology is mainly applied to process the following materials: ferrous metals, non-ferrous and rare metals like tungsten, tin, copper, molybdenum, and lead etc. It is also used to realize iron removal in the non-metal mineral separation and plays a role the water treatment industry.

Our company has spent years in doing research and development on the ore beneficiation technology. The flotation cell and magnetic separator we have made are both popular among customers all over the world.

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