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The Mining Machinery Industry Develops Smoothly and Steadily

[Apr 29, 2014]

According to the professional data reported by the national development and reform commission, the Chinese mining machinery industry keeps growing with a positive tendency and surpasses the average industrial growth level. The main business income and machine production quantity and sales both increase continuously. The national machinery industry starts to get rid of the descending pressure of the economic growth and the whole mining machinery industry realizes the mild growth of all economic indexes. The domestic machinery enterprises are hopeful to enter a stable development stage from now on.

However, in the year of 2014, the Chinese mechanical products face the hard situation to be exported to the foreign markets. It’s predicted that the total export growth speed will remain 8%. Although our machines have more competitive features compared with the products abroad, they also face the truth that the constant export growth has caused more and more serious trade frictions.

In addition, this year the external environment for the Chinese mining machinery industry is becoming better and better. The whole industry can run smoothly and steadily for a long time. We have to try to figure out effective ways to solve the problems of insufficient new demands and weak innovative capacity. Particularly, the national comprehensive and deep reform policy requires that the machinery enterprises be strict of themselves. According to the experts, the increasing mining machinery technology level and the great demand for the high quality machines will both lead to the formation of many new highlights in the domestic machinery manufacturing and sale market.

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